The Religious Education Awards celebrate the dynamic mission of gifted Catechists, Parish Catechetical Leaders, and Directors of Religious Education/Faith Formation. Each of these catechists/DRE/DFF demonstrate the importance of passing on the faith and their example inspires us into mission! There is such a great need for generous men and women who devote themselves to handing on the truths of the Gospel. We can all be strengthened by the words of Pope John Paul II, the Pope who did so much for catechesis in the modern Church:
So many times it has fallen to you to strengthen and build up the young Christian communities . . . through the proclamation of the Gospel . . . it was you, the catechists, who instructed . . .prepared people for the sacraments, taught the faith and were leaders of the Christian community . . . Give thanks to the Lord for the gift of your vocation, through which Christ has called you from among other men and women to be instruments of his salvation. Respond with generosity to your vocation and your names will be written in heaven.”
(Cf. Lk 10:20; Cf. GC, “The Conclusion”. Address to the Plenary Assembly for the Evangelization of Peoples, Angola, June 7, 1992).
With this in mind, the Office for Parish Life has scheduled a Mass at Saint Peter’s Cathedral with Bishop Bambera on June 7, 2022 at 7PM to celebrate and acknowledge all recipients of these awards. You can find the nomination form, here.