This resource was prepared by the Office for Parish Life to assist parish leaders in the formation of various liturgical ministers in the parish, as well as provide suggestions for ongoing formation, education, and spiritual renewal.

This resource includes training for Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, Lectors, Cantors, Altar Servers, Ministers of Hospitality, and Ministers of Liturgical Environment.

To learn more about how to use this valuable resource, please click here.

Included in this comprehensive resource is the Leader’s Guide consisting of the procedural suggestions for these formation sessions, the full text for the PowerPoint presentation, and additional printed resources.   If you have any questions or problems regarding this resource, please contact the Office for Parish Life.

Learning Objectives

  • To reflect on the spirituality of ministry as “servant leadership” in relation to the Bishop’s Pastoral Vision, Wounded and Loved, Regathering the Scattered
  • To explain the role of the lay liturgical ministry especially historically and in relation to the ordained priesthood
  • To inform the candidate of the requirements for the specific ministry
  • To offer a comprehensive explanation of the liturgy and Eucharist
  • To teach and demonstrate the proper procedure for carrying out the ministry
  • To provide an overview of other but less common aspects of this ministry

Learning Methods

  • Prayer—a call to prayer should be used to begin each session
  • Power Point® slides to visualize examples of key learning points
  • Brief discussions on particular questions or quotations to keep all participants actively involved in the formation
  • Demonstration of skills needed and utilized for effective ministry
  • Opportunities to ask questions

Links to the files in Liturgical Ministry Resource:


Extraordinary Minister Resources
Lector Resources
Cantor Resources
Altar Server Resources
Ministers of Hospitality Resources
Ministers of Environment Resources