TOWANDA – Several dozen people took to the steps of the Bradford County Courthouse Sept. 8 to advocate for the unborn and highlight the significance of preserving human life.
The annual ‘Pro Life Rally’ sponsored by the Bradford County Pennsylvanians for Human Life marked a significant milestone this year – 20 years of working to foster a culture that prioritizes the sanctity of life.

“The original idea came out of our parish, Saint Mary’s in Wyalusing. We had a pro-life committee and we started talking about how could we reach out a little more so that it was more than just our parish. We networked with some of the folks in Towanda and drew in more people,” chairman Mike Kilmer explained.
This year’s event brought attendees from across Bradford County, including Deborah Geise who lives in Troy.
“I truly believe that only God has the ability to give and take life and we feel that children are a precious gift from God,” Geise said.
Watching other attendees hold signs with messages such as ‘Every Life is Precious’ and ‘Choose Life,’ Geise felt inspired.
“It blesses me to see that there are people of like-minded faith and we need to have more of them that rise up,” she explained.
Alex Piechocki, a parishioner of Saints Peter & Paul Parish in Towanda, emphasized the value of life from conception to natural death.
“Like Saint John Paul II said, there is one issue that is so far superior above all other social issues, which is the issue of life, because if the life issue is done away with, all the other issues are non-existent,” Piechocki said.
Attendees at the event affirmed the dignity of every human being and expressed the need to advocate for policies that protect and value life. They also stressed the help that is available for mothers who are looking for alternatives to abortion.
“If only they knew that there was a lot of support out there, there are plenty of places that will help you,” Cathy Moliski, a parishioner of Epiphany Parish in Sayre, stated.
Following a short rally outside the courthouse, rally participants walked to Saints Peter & Paul Parish for a pro-life talk given by Rev. Martin Fuller from Meadville, Pa, followed by a social in Grotto Hall.
Many of those participating in the Sept. 8 rally will also be attending the Pennsylvania March for Life in Harrisburg on Monday, Sept. 23, 2024. The Bradford County Pennsylvanians for Human Life and the Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a bus trip to Harrisburg that day. The bus will make several stops throughout Bradford County. There is no charge to ride the bus. To make a reservation, call Frank Socha at (570) 772-6524.
“It is a wonderful experience,” Kilmer said. “We march around the Capitol and try to impress our legislators to be pro-life.”