SCRANTON – Guests of Saint Francis of Assisi Kitchen were able to receive more than a warm, nutritious meal on Wednesday, June 2. Visitors were also able to get a free COVID-19 vaccination.
Through a partnership with the clinics at Scranton Primary Health Care Center, Saint Francis of Assisi Kitchen was able to offer the Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine from 10:30 a.m. until 12:45 p.m.
After helping to cook the daily meal of stuffed peppers, mashed potatoes and green beans, Saint Francis of Assisi Assistant Chef Bo Fuller rolled up his sleeve to get the single-dose vaccine.
“It needs to be done. It was a personal choice. I decided to go with it,” Fuller said. “It was convenient and it was here.”
In addition to the vaccines distributed at the kitchen on June 2, free vaccines will also be available for anyone at the kitchen on Wednesday, June 9, from 10:30 a.m. until 12:45 p.m. No reservations are required.
“It was no problem at all,” Rose McIntosh of Dalton said after receiving her shot at the kitchen. “My doctor suggested I get it because I’m a diabetic and my husband has COPD.”
McIntosh volunteers with the Friends of the Poor and says having the vaccines available at Saint Francis Kitchen was quick and convenient.
“I’m usually always down here. My son lives in Finch Towers and I come down and see other people. I’m usually always down in Scranton,” she added.
One guest who received a vaccination – David – knows the importance of being immunized first-hand. He had COVID-19 in December.
“I don’t want it again,” David explained. “It was bad for almost three weeks, headaches and muscle aches, my whole body.”
It was only after walking in the door of Saint Francis Kitchen that David learned the free vaccines were available from Executive Director Rob Williams. David wasted no time in getting the shot, he received it before he even ate his meal.
“I didn’t know they had them. I had scheduled one and I missed the appointment. I tried to get another one and they didn’t have any available at that time and I gave up for a couple days,” David said.
Two weeks after receiving his vaccine, David will be considered fully vaccinated and he looks forward to that time.
“This will help me move around a little bit more with freedom,” he said with a smile.