MILFORD – Bright sunshine reflected the joyous spirit of all in attendance recently as Saint Patrick’s Church in Milford dedicated the Father Gerald T. Mullally Memorial Garden, featuring a beautiful new statue of Madonna Della Strada (Our Lady of the Streets).
The memorial garden celebrates the life of the late, beloved pastor who led the parish for 23 years. The garden, which includes benches and raised beds for seasonal plantings, was envisioned as a place where people can gather before Mass and at other times for quiet reflection and sharing. Included are plaques featuring excerpts from some of Father Mullally’s memorable homilies.
The day began with the celebration of Mass by current pastor, Rev. Joseph Manarchuck. In his homily, Deacon Thomas Spataro vividly recalled the enormous impact of Father Mullally as a charismatic and caring shepherd. Mass was followed by a formal blessing of the garden and statue by Father Manarchuck.

Among the many parishioners and guests in attendance were: Mr. and Mrs. Brian Mullally, major donors to the project. In remarks following the dedication, Mr. Mullally, Father Mullally’s cousin, who flew in from California for the occasion, called the memorial a truly beautiful space.
“Father would have been very excited to see so many of God’s faithful here for the Mass and Dedication,” Mr. Mullally said, adding, “We hope this can be a spark that helps usher in a new and exciting era at the church and parish that Father loved so much.”