SCRANTON – On Thursday, August 22, 2024, the Diocese of Scranton was made aware of a report of inappropriate sexual contact by Father John Ruth with a minor occurring from the late 1970s to the mid-1980s. The Diocese of Scranton immediately began an initial investigation into the allegation.

Following an initial review by the Diocesan Review Board, along with other information that has been acquired, the Diocese has concluded that the claim appears credible.

The Diocese of Scranton’s Policy for Response to Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors, and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishop’s Charter for Protection of Children and Young People, both have a zero-tolerance policy for the sexual abuse of a minor and require the removal from ministry of any cleric or other religious, upon determination of a credible claim of sexual misconduct with a minor.

Accordingly, Father Ruth’s faculties have been suspended – and he has been removed from ministry due to an allegation of sexual abuse of a minor – as of September 4, 2024.

The allegation of abuse has been reported to civil authorities by the Diocese of Scranton and the Diocese will cooperate fully with any law enforcement investigation.

It is important to note that an accused cleric is presumed innocent until the contrary is proven under either civil or canonical proceedings. Notwithstanding, until a disposition of the accusation is reached, the Diocese of Scranton must prohibit Father Ruth from exercising priestly ministry.

The Diocese of Scranton takes every allegation of abuse seriously and is committed to protecting children. The safety and well-being of children is a non-negotiable priority. The Church has a moral and ethical duty to ensure that our policies are not just written guidelines but lived practices that are applied and monitored.

Father Ruth, 65, was most recently serving as Pastor of Most Holy Trinity Parish, Susquehanna, since Oct. 24, 2023.

His prior assignments include Pastor, Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Parish, Jermyn; Senior Priest, Saint Patrick Parish, Scranton; Assistant Pastor, Saint John Neumann Parish, Scranton; Administrator, Saint Mary of the Assumption, Scranton and Holy Name of Jesus Parish, Scranton; Pastor, Saint Francis of Assisi, West Hazleton; Assistant Pastor, Saint John Bosco Parish, Conyngham; Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry at Saint Gabriel Parish, Hazleton; Chaplain, Mercy Hospital, Scranton; Assistant Pastor, Saint Ann Parish, Williamsport; Assistant Pastor, Saint Ignatius Parish, Kingston; and Deacon, Saint Joseph Parish, Athens.

For more than thirty years, the Diocese of Scranton has had policies regarding the sexual abuse of minors by clerics and has continuously worked to enhance its safe environment protocols. Safeguards include mandatory background checks, including criminal history and child abuse history, and a publicized code of conduct for all priests and deacons, along with Diocesan employees, volunteers and any other personnel who have regular contact with children and young people.

To report an allegation of sexual abuse or any other criminal activity perpetrated by a priest, deacon, employee, or volunteer of the Diocese of Scranton, contact your local law enforcement agency and/or the Diocese of Scranton Victim Assistance Coordinator, Mary Beth Pacuska, at (570) 862-7551.

To learn more about the Diocese of Scranton’s ‘Promise to Protect/Pledge to Heal’ policies, visit the Diocese of Scranton website at