Nineteen area children received the sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time in ceremonies held at the Church of St. Patrick in Milford.
The catechetical student recipients were: Emma Armandi, Joseph Barcia, Emma Bauman, Michael DeMaio, Noah Eira and Harper Ganska, all of Milford; Liam Johnson, Charlotte Keller, Ayden and Anaya McIntosh of Dingmans
Ferry; Anya Nielsen, Jacob and Julianna Rizzo, Aaron Rodgers, Jillian Sell, Jason and Theodore Stierle, Avery Stewart and Mya Terry, all of Milford.
The Mass and ceremony, witnessed by their parents, grandparents, guardians and family members, included: Introductory Rites, Liturgy of the Word, Renewal of Baptismal Promises, Liturgy of the Eucharist and Communion Rite.

In preparation for the occasion, students made beautiful banners reflective of images associated with Holy Communion, e.g. the chalice and sacred host.
Following the ceremony, the students received special gifts and a Certificate of Holy Communion signed by Pastor, Rev. Joseph Manarchuck. On the day after receiving First Holy Communion (Mother’s Day), several of the students participated in the crowning of the statue of the Blessed Mother.