SCRANTON – A sold-out, energized crowd of 400 women filled Nazareth Hall on the campus of Marywood University June 10 for the 2023 “Refresh Your Faith” Catholic Women’s Conference.
Gathering under the theme of “With the Holy Spirit,” attendees participated in Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary meditations and more.
A sold-out crowd of 400 women attended the 2023 Catholic Women’s Conference which was held June 10 at Marywood University.
“It is wonderful to be in the presence of so many women who have such great faith. It encourages me to grow,” Lois Rinaldi of Archbald, a parishioner of Queen of Angels Parish in Jessup, said.
Evie Rafalko McNulty of Scranton, a parishioner of Immaculate Conception Parish, first attended the Catholic Women’s Conference last year, and had been looking forward to returning this year.
“I need to be reinvigorated and just reminded about how much I depend on my faith to get me through the difficult times and the struggles of daily life,” Rafalko McNulty explained.
Johnnette Benkovic Williams, founder and president of Women of Grace, a Catholic apostolate for women, and founder and president of Living His Life Abundantly International, Inc., served as the main conference speaker. Due to illness, the keynote speaker, Kathleen McCarthy, was unable to attend.
Johnnette Benkovic Williams delivers one of her speeches during the 2023 Catholic Women’s Conference.
Gladly accepting conference organizers invitation to speak for extra time, Williams told the conference attendees that each one of them is essential to God’s plan.
“I want you to know how important you are to God’s plan. There is nothing that God will not take and use for the good when we surrender it and give it to Him,” she said.
As she ended the daylong conference, Williams had just as much energy and excitement as when the day began, raising her voice in praise to God, calling each woman to mission. The crowd responded by standing in boisterous applause.
“You have such a marvelous future as the daughters of the Most High God. He is calling us into this great and glorious mission. He is suiting us up with all the gifts of the Holy Spirit and setting us on fire, sending us into the highways and byways of life to bring the word of God to everybody,” Williams said to constant applause.
“Johnnette is an energizing speaker. I don’t know if I’ve seen such a dynamic speaker before and it’s been incredible to sit here and listen to her. I don’t think I’ve ever been so engaged listening to a speaker before,” Maura Kettel, a parishioner of Saint Gregory Parish in Clarks Green, said.
Geri Featherby of Covington Township prays during Mass.
The conference began with the celebration of Mass with the Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, who focused on the theme of “With the Holy Spirit” during his homily.
“The real miracle of the Spirit’s presence within our Church is that in spite of the brokenness of its members, the Church has always been blessed by the presence of God within it – not because we are righteous and have earned that presence – but because God is rich in mercy and faithful to His covenant,” Bishop Bambera said.
Dara Dirhan, a native of Luzerne County who now lives in the West Chester area, returned home for the conference so that she could be filled by the grace of the Holy Spirit.
“This is a testimony to women of great faith. We need to support one another as women and uplift one another in our faith,” Dirhan said. “We are all walking different journeys at this point in our lives and it is so valuable to share with one another our stories of faith and continue together on this faith-filled journey.”
As the day concluded, women were encouraged to save the date for next year’s Catholic Women’s Conference, which will be June 8, 2024, when the theme will center on the ongoing Eucharistic Revival and the Real Presence of Jesus.
A Mass for Priest Jubilarians was held on June 8, 2023, at the Cathedral of Saint Peter in Scranton. Pictured after the Mass, front row, from left: Rev. Jackson Pinhero, O.S.J. (25 years); Rev. Mariusz Beczek, O.S.J. (25 years) Rev. Andrew Mensah Amankwaa (25 years); Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton; Rev. Thomas V. Banick (60 years); Rev. Paul M. Mullen (50 years); Msgr. John A. Esseff (70 years); and Rev. Anthony M. Urban (50 years). Second row, from left: Rev. Gerald W. Stantillo, V.G., S.T.L., Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia; Rev. John V. Polednak, V.E., Episcopal Vicar for Clergy; and Rev. James J. Walsh (50 years).
SCRANTON – Fourteen priests – who have provided a total of 665 years of service to the priesthood – were honored during the 2023 Mass for Priest Jubilarians on Thursday, June 8, 2023, at the Cathedral of Saint Peter.
“I’m excited. It’s a great feeling,” Father Jackson Pinhero, O.S.J., Assistant Pastor of Saint John the Evangelist and Saint Joseph Marello Parishes in Pittston, said just before the liturgy began. “I came to this country in 2007 so it has been almost 16 years that I have been here working in the Diocese of Scranton. I also worked for nine years in India.”
Father Pinhero, who is an Oblate of Saint Joseph priest, was ordained on April 15, 1998. The Cathedral Mass is actually the third celebration he has taken part in this year.
“I had a beautiful celebration in my parishes in Pittston, and then I recently went home to India for my vacation so I also had another celebration with my family and friends in India, in my hometown parish where I was ordained a priest,” he said. As he reflected on the service of his fellow Jubilarians, he joked that he is actually the “young guy.”
“I see most of the other guys celebrating 50 years or more. It’s only my silver jubilee,” Father Pinhero said with a smile and laugh.
The Mass celebrated the priestly ministry and service of Monsignor John A. Esseff, who has served the Church for 70 years; Father William D. Campbell, who has served for 65 years; Monsignor Thomas V. Banick and Fathers John P. Ryan and Eugene R. Carr, who have served for 60 years; Fathers William M. Petruska, Anthony M. Urban, Thomas R. Hudak, Paul M. Mullen and James J. Walsh, who have served for 50 years and Fathers Philip S. Rayappan, Jackson Pinhero, O.S.J., Mariusz Beczek, O.S.J., and Andrew Mensah Amankwaa, who have served the Church for 25 years.
Msgr. Esseff, who is celebrating 70 years of priestly service this year, is greeted by religious sisters and friends following the Jubilee Mass.
“God’s strength is still moving us and that is the joy,” Father Mullen said at the conclusion of Mass. “Every day is a blessing.”
Reflecting on 50 years, Father Mullen admitted he was scared by the priestly vocation he first assumed, but now has realized what a “wonderful gift” it has been. “Looking back, I know God has always been with me,” he explained.
The Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, served as principal celebrant and homilist at the Priest Jubilarian Mass. The bishop thanked each man for his service to the Church and to the Lord Jesus. By patterning their lives after the life and love of Jesus, he said the Jubilarians have brought countless people to a deeper sense of meaning, life and peace.
“I thank you for your commitment in joyful moments and in challenging times. I thank you for leading us through change and upheaval to harmony and peace,” Bishop Bambera said. “And I thank you for always reminding us of God’s presence in our lives – in the great gift of the Eucharist – in the Word proclaimed – and in the Church, the People of God from among whom every priest is called and with whom every priest is privileged to journey in faith.”
(OSV News) – A new study indicates Americans are pleased with virtual religious services, but more prefer to attend in person now that the COVID-19 public health emergency has officially ended.
About a quarter of U.S. adults regularly watch religious services online, with 21% using apps or websites to aid Scripture reading, according to a report released June 2 by the Pew Research Center.
Parishioners attend Mass at the Cathedral of Saint Peter in Scranton on Sunday, June 11, 2023.
Pew surveyed more than 11,000 respondents in November 2022, well after the pandemic’s peak but before the U.S. government officially declared it over. Over half (57%) said they do not generally attend religious services, either in person or virtually.
Researchers said the online and television worship driven by COVID lockdowns remains popular with 25% of those surveyed. Two thirds of those polled said they were “extremely” or “very satisfied” with the experience.
“When asked why they watch religious services online or on TV, many regular viewers cite multiple reasons,” Pew stated in a summary of the survey data. “But as the COVID-19 pandemic recedes, convenience is the most-commonly selected option — not fear of catching or spreading any illness.”
Worshippers who opt for a mix of in-person and online worship strongly favor the former by a margin of 76% to 11%. Black American adults were found to be “more engaged with digital technology in their religious lives,” with 48% saying they watched religious services online or on television at least once a month, according to the study.
Yet respondents who attended in person expressed even greater enthusiasm for their experience, with 74% extremely or very satisfied with the sermons and 69% with service music.
The preference for in-person attendance is “not shocking,” said Father Thomas Dailey, professor of homiletics and social communications at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania.
Post pandemic, the challenge is to use livestream worship creatively as a tool for driving authentic community among the faithful, he told OSV News.
“The number of people who said in the survey they watch online because they can’t otherwise get there is, to me, the reason for continuing to livestream,” said Father Dailey, an Oblate of St. Francis de Sales.
Of Catholic adults who regularly watch religious services online or on TV, 16% said an illness or disability preventing them from attending in person was a “major reason” for watching religious services on TV or online, and 23% identified it as a “minor reason.”
Father Dailey stressed that “the fullness of liturgical participation is hearing the word and receiving the Eucharist.”
“Obviously, you can’t receive the Eucharist online,” he said. “But if there is some mechanism by which we can provide the Eucharist to those not physically present at the celebration of Mass, that’s something that enables people to participate more fully.”
Livestreamed liturgies, combined with extraordinary ministers of holy Communion for the homebound, can do just that, he said.
“The person who can’t get to church can participate in the worship online, and then receive the Eucharist from that Mass with an extraordinary minister bringing it to them,” said Father Dailey. “Obviously, there’s a time gap, but you facilitate participation in the Mass as best one can.”
The same arrangement can benefit merged and rural parishes, where priests are stretched thin to cover the celebration of Mass, Father Dailey said.
“You can imagine Mass being celebrated in the nearest city or deanery church, livestreamed to the distant rural churches, where the faithful gather and can receive the sacrament” from permanent deacons or extraordinary ministers of holy Communion, he said.
That approach avoids “sitting at home watching Mass,” he added.
“Our worship is by definition communal,” said Father Dailey. “It’s about communion with God, yes, but also with one another.”
SCRANTON – When Cindy Korus looked into her husband John’s eyes while renewing her wedding vows, tears of joy started to form after being together 50 years.
“I had tears in my eyes, saying what the wife is supposed to say, that ‘I take you, John, to be my husband,’ because it has been a long time,” the Larksville woman explained. “You think 50 years is never going to come but it doesn’t take long to get here.”
John and Cindy Korus, parishioners of All Saints Parish in Plymouth, were one of 148 couples that participated in the Diocese of Scranton’s annual Wedding Anniversary Mass at the Cathedral of Saint Peter on June 4, 2023.
The Mass recognizes married couples who are celebrating their 25th and 50th anniversaries this year. In all, the couples participating in the Mass have been married a total of 6,528 years combine.
“It reminds you of the first day we got married,” John Korus said, describing the emotions he felt during the renewal commitment ceremony.
The couple married at Saint Stephen of Hungary Church in Plymouth in 1973, shortly after the Agnes flood one year earlier. The impact of the devastation was still very clear and evident as Msgr. Vincent Grimalia celebrated their wedding Mass.
“Saint Stephen’s was our church. They were still renovating after the flood. There were no pews. It was all folding chairs. There was no carpet back in yet. Everything was simply ‘cleaned up’ and that was it,” Cindy explained.
As the couple reflected on their life together, they say faith has played a central role.
“We have two beautiful children and three beautiful grandchildren. We are very thankful. The Lord has been very, very good to us,” Cindy said.
The Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, served as principal celebrant and homilist for the Wedding Anniversary Mass. During his homily, the bishop reflected on how every marriage is filled with moments of joy, struggle, challenge and disappointment.
“Your marriage has endured because you have come to see it as part of something much bigger than yourselves. You have come to see your marriage as something of a mystery, the mystery of God’s love woven into creation, embraced in your lives, and lived through God’s grace, in your relationship with each other,” Bishop Bambera said.
“The bishop’s homily was beautiful,” Paula Matthews of Swoyersville said.
Paula and her husband, Frank, who are parishioners of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, are celebrating their 50th anniversary this year.
“God has always been an important part of our lives,” Frank added.
When asked what the secret is for a long and happy marriage, many of the couples participating in the Wedding Anniversary Mass had similar answers.
“I think communication is key. You just have to talk things out; you have to talk things over. We raised four children. It wasn’t always easy but it was always joyful,” Jean Pilch said.
Jean and her husband, Lou, who live in Moosic and are parishioners of Divine Mercy Parish, emphasized working together as a team.
“Don’t give up. You have to fight and persevere. Just because something goes wrong, you can’t just throw it away. Our children sometimes wonder how we lasted this long. You just have to keep persevering,” Lou added.
Donald and Janice Fedorchak of Carbondale, who are parishioners of Saint Rose of Lima Parish, shared those same sentiments.
‘Don’t go to bed angry at one another. Always make up before you go to bed and stay in love with one another,” Janice said.
“Give and take,” Donald added, when talking about the secret of their success. “Sometimes you’ve got to give and sometimes you take!”
SCRANTON –The public is invited to celebrate and honor World Refugee Day!
On Saturday, June 24, 2023, everyone is invited to join local Scranton refugee communities for a time of sharing, learning, fellowship and celebration that honors global refugees. This year’s theme is ‘Hope Away from Home,’ which focuses on the power of inclusion and solutions for refugees.
The event will be held from 2-4 p.m. at Nay Aug Park in Scranton (on the Greenhouse side of Nay Aug Park). The celebration will include cultural songs and music, refreshments, games and activities for kids.
“World Refugee Day is an opportunity to recognize the resilience and courage of refugees around the world. As a community, we must promote empathy and compassion towards those who have been forced to leave their homes and seek safety in a new country,” Fikile Ryder, Director of Community for Catholic Social Services of the Diocese of Scranton said. “We acknowledge the challenges that refugees face and recognize the need for support and solidarity towards their integration and well-being. It’s crucial that we come together to ensure that refugees have access to the resources and support they need to rebuild their lives and contribute to our society.”
World Refugee Day is an annual international day, designated by the United Nations, to celebrate the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their home countries to escape conflict or persecution.
“I came to the United States from a refugee camp in Uganda and am so excited about this coming World Refugee Day,” Ushu Mukelo of the Congolese Community of Scranton said. “As a refugee who lived in a refugee camp for more than 12 years, it reminds me of the sense of togetherness. Scranton has been a very hospitable city and your presence just reinforces that.”
Several community agencies are working together to put together the 2023 World Refugee Celebration, including Catholic Social Services of the Diocese of Scranton, The University of Scranton, United Neighborhood Centers of Northeastern Pennsylvania, Ignatian Volunteer Corps, Islamic Center of Scranton, Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit, Congolese Community of Scranton, Bhutanese Cultural Foundation Scranton Association, Saigon Corner Vietnamese Restaurant and Pennsylvania Department of Education – Migrant Education Program.
SCRANTON – Fourteen priests who are celebrating milestone anniversaries of their ordination year will be recognized during the 2023 Mass for Priest Jubilarians at 12:10 p.m. on Thursday, June 8, 2023, at the Cathedral of Saint Peter in Scranton.
The Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, will serve as principal celebrant and homilist. During the Mass, the bishop will recognize a total of 665 years of service to the priesthood.
Monsignor John A. Esseff, M.S., D.Min., will be recognized for 70 years of priestly service. Monsignor Esseff was ordained on May 30, 1953, by the late Bishop William J. Hafey and has served as a retreat director and confessor to Saint Mother Teresa. In addition to Msgr. Esseff, priests who are celebrating 65, 60, 50 and 25 ordination year anniversaries will be honored.
Here is the full list of Jubilarians:
70 Years – 1953
Monsignor John A. Esseff, M.S., D.Min.
65 Years – 1958
Reverend William D. Campbell, S.T.D.
60 Years – 1963
Reverend John P. Ryan
Reverend Eugene R. Carr
Monsignor Thomas V. Banick
50 Years – 1973
Reverend William M. Petruska, Capt., CHC, USN
Reverend Anthony M. Urban, M.S., M.A.
Reverend Thomas R. Hudak, M.Div.
Reverend Paul M. Mullen, M.A.
Reverend James J. Walsh, J.C.L.
25 Years – 1998
Reverend Philip S. Rayappan
Reverend Jackson Pinhero, O.S.J.
Reverend Mariusz Beczek, O.S.J.
Reverend Andrew Mensah Amankwaa
The 2023 Mass for Priest Jubilarians will be broadcast live by CTV: Catholic Television of the Diocese of Scranton and will be available for viewing on the Diocese of Scranton website, YouTube channel, and social media platforms.
SCRANTON – Nearly 150 couples who are celebrating milestone anniversaries in 2023 will be recognized at the Cathedral of Saint Peter on Sunday, June 4, 2023.
Bishop Joseph C. Bambera will serve as principal celebrant and homilist for the Diocese of Scranton’s annual Wedding Anniversary Mass that recognizes married couples who are celebrating their 25th and 50th anniversaries this year. The Mass will begin at 2:30 p.m.
In addition to married couples celebrating their Silver and Golden anniversaries, there are expected to be one couple in attendance celebrating 66 years of marriage and two couples in attendance celebrating 60 years of marriage.
In all, a total of 6,528 years of marriage will be celebrated between the 148 couples who have pre-registered to attend the Mass.
CTV: Catholic Television of the Diocese of Scranton will broadcast the Mass live and provide a livestream on the Diocese of Scranton website and all Diocesan social media platforms.
The broadcast and livestream opportunities are a valuable opportunity for all married couples (no matter how many years they have been married) to pause and reflect upon the beauty of the vocation of marriage in our lives and in the life of our church.
SCRANTON – Just minutes before his Ordination Mass, William A. Asinari was so overwhelmed with gratitude he started to cry.
“It’s inexplicable. I was sitting up in the chapel and I was just in tears thanking God for the blessing of service,” Deacon Asinari said.
The Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, lays his hands on the head of William A. Asinari during the Rite of Ordination of Deacons on May 27, 2023, at the Cathedral of Saint Peter in Scranton. (Photo/Mike Melisky)
Less than an hour later, the 24 year old became a transitional deacon through the Rite of Ordination to the Diaconate, which includes the presentation of the candidate, election by the bishop, promise of the elect, litany of supplication and laying on of hands.
“I think one of the most beautiful moments was just hearing from the Church, we have found this man to be worthy,” Deacon Asinari explained. “I think every seminarian, to some degree, goes through the struggle that God is giving me this gift and I don’t deserve this. It is immensely beautiful and it’s beyond what I could ever deserve. You fight that feeling of unworthiness and when you finally get there in that moment and hear it, it hits home!”
Asinari, a native of Honesdale, is the son of Robert and Cathleen Asinari and is a parishioner of Saint John the Evangelist Parish, Honesdale. Several friends and fellow parishioners from Wayne County made the trip to the Cathedral for the Ordination Mass.
“These are the people that have seen me since I was one or two (years old). I remember them saying, ‘Have you thought about the priesthood’ or ‘You look like you’d make a good priest,’” Deacon Asinari added. “To have them sitting there as I’m ordained a deacon was beautiful.”
The Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, served as ordaining prelate and principal celebrant for the Ordination Mass.
“What a blessing this day is for Bill and for his family, our Diocese and particularly for all those who have helped him to arrive at this faith-filled moment,” Bishop Bambera said during his homily.
Bishop Bambera reminded Asinari that service to the People of God must lie at the heart of his vocation.
“For as meaningful and significant as this moment may be for you personally, the ministry that you will embrace is not yours alone,” Bishop Bambera continued. “It comes from – and is rooted in the life of the Lord Jesus – who came to save us from sin and the brokenness of our world.”
Deacon Asinari will serve for the next year as a transitional deacon, the ordination serving as the last major step before ordination to the priesthood, which typically occurs a year later after additional pastoral, liturgical and educational preparation.
As a deacon, he will assist the bishop and his priests in ministries of the Word, Liturgy and Charity. This includes proclaiming the Gospel, leading intercessions, preaching, preparing the altar, celebrating baptisms, leading the faithful in prayer, distributing holy communion, witnessing marriages and conducting wake and funeral services. Deacons also identify the needs of poor and underserved, and shepherd the Church’s resources to meet those needs.
“I think I’m most looking forward to baptisms,” Deacon Asinari said. “I know over my summer assignment there are a couple scheduled. There is just something so beautiful about getting a family together and by my hands, blessing the water and baptizing a child. It is overwhelming.”
This summer, Asinari will be serving the Saint Rose of Lima and Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parishes in the city of Carbondale.
“While you have been given tremendous gifts and talents, we pray that you will always rely upon the grace of God to fill up whatever may be lacking in you to carry out fully the ministry entrusted to you this day,” Bishop Bambera stated as he finished his homily.
SCRANTON – Nearly 40 years after Saint Francis of Assisi Kitchen opened its doors in its current location, the facility is getting a “once in a generation renovation” to ensure its mission continues for decades to come.
The work, which is already underway, will be completed over a ten-week period. It should be finished by the end of July.
Exterior work is underway at Saint Francis of Assisi Kitchen in Scranton for its “once in a generation renovation.” In addition to a new entrance and walkways, the interior of the Kitchen will also be upgraded. (Photo/Eric Deabill)
“This renovation will not only allow us to serve our brothers and sisters in need in a dignified way for another generation but will prepare us for future expansion,” Rob Williams, Executive Director of Saint Francis of Assisi Kitchen, said. “This organization is primed and ready to serve God and His people in ways that we cannot yet imagine. We were founded by and through God’s inspiration and we will continue to serve Him and His beloved people in every way possible.”
The Kitchen currently serves ten meals to the community each week and that service will continue uninterrupted – but the meals will be prepared and served in different locations while renovations are underway.
Starting May 19, all weekday meals (11 a.m. midday meal on weekdays and 5 p.m. dinner on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) will be served at ‘The Space at Olive’ at 541 Wyoming Avenue in Scranton. ‘The Space at Olive’ is only one block away from Saint Francis of Assisi Kitchen’s current location.
“Part of what we provide for the community is the ability for our brothers and sisters to sit around the table together and enjoy comradery with one another,” Williams explained. “We want to keep that sense of community as much as we can through this renovation process and the dining room at ‘The Space at Olive’ will allow us to do that.”
The 11 a.m. midday meal on Saturday and Sunday will be served in ‘grab and go’ containers from Saint Francis food pantry at 504 Penn Avenue in Scranton.
During the renovation project, all of the Kitchen’s meals will be prepared at Lackawanna College.
“Lackawanna College is gifting us with the use of its commercial kitchen for the ten weeks. They have been amazing to us. They are also letting us put two Road Scholar trucks on campus for dry storage and freezer space,” Williams added.
While unexpected challenges may arise during this process, Williams has been working to ensure a smooth transition of services for the last several months.
“The idea is to keep everything as close to normal as possible,” Williams said. “Since 1978, we have only missed four meals and we won’t miss a meal because of this project. There will be ten meals a week straight through.”
When Williams took over as Executive Director of Saint Francis of Assisi Kitchen in August 2019, he quickly realized renovations were needed after fixing leaks in the facility’s roof several times.
In June 2022, the roof was completely fixed and new vents and rain gutters added, paving the way to the rest of the renovation work to begin both inside and outside the Kitchen.
Visible signs of the renovation work are always underway – front walkways are already being fixed and a glass enclosure in the front of the building has been taken down.
“There was a glass enclosure in the front that was always damp and musty. We will have a new entrance but the roof will hang over another eight feet. It will have a stucco-look like the rest of the building with stone accents,” Williams said. “The façade is going to be really beautiful.”
Inside the Kitchen is where most of the changes will be taking place.
Throughout the building there will be new ceilings, LED lighting and paint and all of the appliances in the Kitchen will either be replaced or rebuilt. All of the Kitchen’s public bathrooms will become handicap accessible, a new distinct laundry room will be created and the Kitchen will get new refrigeration and freezer spaces.
“There are times when people offer us 850 boxes of meat and we either have to say no to that donation or we have to borrow space in Pittston. Increasing the freezer space in this building will gear us up for another generation of service,” Williams explained.
While the Kitchen is being renovated, a local artist will also restore a statue of Saint Francis of Assisi, which has a broken hand and several cracks, as well as a statue of Saint Anthony.
Monsignor Constantine V. Siconolfi founded Saint Francis of Assisi Kitchen in 1978. Its current building was dedicated in 1986.
Williams, who refers to himself simply as the “current keeper of the vision” of Saint Francis of Assisi Kitchen, says the renovation project is an exciting opportunity. He said it would not be possible without community support.
“I am deeply grateful to our board members, our benefactors, our staff members and volunteers, who partnering with us are animating this extraordinary mission that we share,” Williams explained.
SCRANTON – Hundreds of people gathered to mourn the death of the Most Reverend James C. Timlin, eighth Bishop of Scranton, at a Mass of Christian Burial, which was held on Tuesday, April 18, 2023, at the Cathedral of Saint Peter in Scranton.
The Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, tenth Bishop of Scranton, served as the principal celebrant. In addition to priests from the Diocese of Scranton and resident religious priests, three other bishops concelebrated the Mass.
The Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, uses incense at the casket of the Most Reverend James C. Timlin, Bishop Emeritus of Scranton, during a Mass of Christian Burial at the Cathedral of Saint Peter in Scranton on April 18, 2023. (Photos/Mike Melisky)
During his introductory remarks at the beginning of the 2 p.m. liturgy, Bishop Bambera acknowledged the sensitive nature of planning the funeral Mass.
“Many of us grieve the loss of a kind and compassionate leader who worked tirelessly for others well into his nineties and some grieve the consequences of imperfect judgments and decisions that led to the suffering of some who were most vulnerable,” Bishop Bambera said. “But one thing is absolutely clear from what we do this day, at this Mass of Christian Burial, the reality that we are all desperately in need of a Savior. Saint John Paul II put it best a few years before he passed, ‘Apart from the mercy of God, there is no hope for mankind.’”
In releasing the Report of the 40th Statewide Investigating Grand Jury in August 2018, then- Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro publicly criticized Bishop Timlin for his handling of sexual abuse cases involving priests of the Diocese of Scranton. That same month, Bishop Timlin was barred from representing the Diocese in the wake of the Grand Jury Report’s release.
During the Universal Prayer at the funeral Mass, mourners prayed intentionally for victims of sexual abuse.
“Many people live with the painful memories of sexual abuse by clergy,” Deacon Peter G. Smith said. “Give them healing for their pain, freedom from their fear, and hope for their future, and may all members of the Church commit themselves to protect children and the most vulnerable in our society.”
Bishop Timlin died on Easter Sunday morning, April 9, 2023, at the age of 95.
“We come together in this great Cathedral of ours to reflect upon his life, to remember the fullness of Bishop Timlin’s remarkable 95 year pilgrimage homeward, and lastly, we’re here this day to pray for his eternal peace,” Monsignor Joseph G. Quinn, V.F., pastor, Our Lady of the Snows Parish, Clarks Summit, said at the beginning of his homily.
For more than 40 years, Msgr. Quinn said that Bishop Timlin had “been a faithful mentor, friend and inspiration in my own life.”
Msgr. Quinn extended his sympathies to the extended family of Bishop Timlin, saying the late prelate had a special ability to remember every detail of his loved one’s lives.
“I think we have all marveled at his consistent thoughtfulness throughout his life, his ever humble and kind ways. To the very end, he was always handwriting notes, always notes of thanks, most of them forever expressing his gratitude for the thoughtfulness and kindness of others,” Msgr. Quinn said. “You might have received a note simply because you remembered his birthday, an anniversary or a special event along the way but it was amazing how many notes he sent out in any day.”
Msgr. Quinn explained how he was privileged to witness Bishop Timlin’s great depth of faith and his hope to share and live the peace and joy of the Risen Christ.
“He understood well the truthfulness of the words of Scripture today as in the First Reading where it was said, God’s dwelling is with the human race and God will wipe away every tear from our eyes. There shall be no more weeping or pain for the old order has passed away,” Msgr. Quinn said.
In his 72 years as a priest, Msgr. Quinn said Bishop Timlin “joyfully counted each day” but did not do everything perfectly.
“With his genuine sense of humility he would be the first to tell you that he was far from perfect,” Msgr. Quinn explained. “He was always reminding all of us that we’re not called to be perfect, we’re called to be holy, so that we might be humble enough, human enough, and happy enough to live merciful lives rooted in Christ.”
As he concluded his homily, Msgr. Quinn said Bishop Timlin never lost sight of his primary role as a parish priest – “helping people come to know, love and serve God” – by always being available to console the grieving, visit the sick or care for the suffering.
“As we gather today to mourn Bishop Timlin’s death, to truly remember the fullness of his life and to pray for his eternal peace, let us remember all that he did throughout his 95 year journey homeward,” Msgr. Quinn stated. “All he did to come and know and live out God’s will in his life in humble and selfless fashion and let us pray for the same merciful graces we need to do the same in our own.”
In the five hours leading up to the funeral Mass, the public was invited to pay their respects to the late Bishop Emeritus of Scranton.
“He was a good man,” former Scranton mayor Jimmy Connors said as he entered the Cathedral shortly after the public visitation began at 9 a.m. Connors worked with Bishop Timlin during his entire tenure as mayor which lasted from 1990 to 2002.
“He was very kind to me before I was mayor, while I was mayor and after I was mayor,” Connors explained. “He had a good heart, totally dedicated to God and the people. He loved every neighborhood here.”
William Nolan, who has been a member of the Cathedral parish since 1974, remembered the day Timlin was ordained a Bishop and thousands filled the streets.
“I thought the world of him,” Nolan said. “He was a very, very holy man. He loved people.”
Patrick Williams, President of Pennsylvanians for Human Life in Scranton, remembered Bishop Timlin as being unapologetically pro-life.
“We would always go to Bishop Timlin or Bishop Dougherty when we had issues that needed attention. Both of them were fantastic,” Williams explained. While he didn’t know Bishop Timlin personally, Mike Stevens of Dallas, said it was clear that Bishop Timlin was humble.
“He cared deeply about the Church and deeply about the parishioners and I think that example of humility is terrific especially in this crazy world that we live in,” Stevens said.
With the funeral services taking place shortly after the Second Sunday of Easter, also known as Divine Mercy Sunday, the theme of “mercy” played a significant role in the reflection of Monsignor Vincent Grimalia, who offered reflections during a private Vespers service on Monday, April 17, 2023, at Villa Saint Joseph in Dunmore.
At Bishop Timlin’s request, a private viewing for family members was held the day before his burial Mass.
“After celebrating Divine Mercy Sunday yesterday, during these 50 days of Easter, we have a context for our gathering, that reminds us of the loving mercy of God, that challenges each of us to live a life of mercy,” Monsignor Grimalia said.
Msgr. Grimalia said Bishop Timlin lived a “spirituality of mercy.”
“I think one of his favorite parables was the parable of the Good Samaritan,” Msgr. Grimalia related. “He regularly visited local hospitals and hospice units when able. He also would read the obituary column and visit funeral homes, to pray for the deceased and console their family and friends.”
During the private Vespers service, Msgr. Grimalia asked the crowd of roughly 50 to pray for Bishop Timlin and the good that he did.
“Let us also pray for all who touched his life and all the lives he touched,” Msgr. Grimalia ended.
Before being taken to his final resting place at Cathedral cemetery, Bishop Bambera echoed those same sentiments.
Bishop Bambera also reflected on a conversation he had with the late Bishop Emeritus of Scranton just hours before his passing.
“On Holy Saturday afternoon about 2 p.m., I visited with Bishop Timlin to wish him a Happy Easter. Although I have visited him regularly during his stay at Marywood Heights, I found him during this particular visit to be far more buoyant than he had been for quite some time. He told me that he had a plan to return toward his residence,” Bishop Bambera said. “He said, ‘I’m feeling pretty good right now, I think I can live to be 100,’ and he said, ‘But whatever God wants is what I’ll do.” A few hours later, in the early morning hours of Easter, God wanted him home so we give thanks for Bishop Timlin. We give thanks for the good that he did. We give thanks for the lives that touched him and the lives that he was able to touch and we pray that God’s mercy envelop him now and give him peace.”