Priests identify the gifts of all the faithful and call them to become involved in the life of the Church.

They are always looking for men who have the gifts to be priests and encouraging men to have generous hearts if God is calling them to priestly ministry.

Priests that inspire men to be Diocesan Priests witness to them:

  • A life of prayer and faith

  • A strong devotion to the Eucharist

  • A deep capacity to love and forgive

  • A deeply rooted joy that comes from doing God’s will in their lives

  • A willingness to invite other men to join them in the brotherhood of the priesthood

  • A leadership style that invites all parishioners to serve collectively to build up the parish, sharing the diverse gifts that God has given them

What can a priest do to create a culture of vocations?

  • Invite a discerner to shadow for a day

  • Share their vocation story at Masses, youth events, parish meetings

  • Encourage the parish to pray for vocations

  • Encourage individuals to attend retreats and events sponsored by the Diocesan Vocation Office

I want to help people answer God’s call.

How can I create a culture of Vocations?

Contact Father Alex Roche, our Diocesan Director of Vocations and Seminarians. We are here to support you every step of the way!