Diocesan Priesthood

A Diocesan priest dedicates his life in the service of Christ and the people within a specific Diocese.

In addition to preaching the word of God and celebrating the sacraments, he must also commit himself to a daily discipline of personal prayer. He promises respect and obedience to his Bishop and leads a chaste, celibate life. Most serve in parish ministry, but some may also be assigned a special full-time ministry.

Are most priests happy in their vocations?

Monsignor Stephen J. Rossetti shares in his book Why Priests are Happy, statistics that show the satisfaction rates of priests are among the highest of any way of life or vocation in the United States. Most priests enjoy their vocation to the priesthood; they are committed to it, and they find much satisfaction in their lives and ministries.

Why Celibacy?

Priests forgo their natural right to marry “for the sake of the Kingdom of God,” as Jesus taught His disciples (Mt 19:12). It is a gift from God which opens a man’s heart so that he can embrace all of God’s children in a very powerful way. Celibacy marks the priest as a man consecrated to the service of Christ and the Church.

What are some signs that I might be called to Diocesan Priesthood?

    • Love of Jesus Christ and desire to bring him to others
    • Searching for meaning in life
    • Charity toward others
    • Desire to live a life of prayer
    • Positive self-image
    • Leadership ability
    • Enjoy being around people

What does a priest do all day long?

Like any vocation, every day is totally different. Some things that make up a part of their day:

    • Celebrate Mass and preach the Gospel
    • Lead the day to day operations of a parish
    • Celebrate Baptisms
    • Celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation and provide spiritual direction
    • Prepare couples for the Sacrament of Matrimony
    • Teach people how to pray
    • Help people who are going through difficult times
    • Visit the sick in hospitals and anoint them for healing
    • Celebrate funerals and bury the dead
    • Pray for the People of God

What is the discernment process?

Discernment does not happen all on your own. The role of the Vocation Team is to help you create an environment where you can: encounter Christ, interact with others who are also discerning, listen to priests share their vocation stories, shadow a priest in his ministry, become more involved in your parish, participate in vocation programs, attend a priestly ordination, find peace, and enter seminary if you discern God is calling you to serious discernment.


What is the seminary like?

A seminary is an intentional community where you can commit your full focus to further discerning God’s call. You will have many years of seminary formation and pastoral experiences to receive internal confirmation and the affirmation of the Church before ordination occurs. At the seminary, you will spend time in prayer, participate in the Celebration of the Eucharist, attend classes, and have time to socialize and have fun.


I think I might be called to Diocesan Priesthood.

What should I do?

Contact Father Alex Roche, our Diocesan Director of Vocations and Seminarians. We are here to support you every step of the way!